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A recurring dream
Présenté par
Francis L. Kaya
Paiement sécurisé
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Accès illimité
Téléchargeable en .mp3
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Dream #1: A recurring dream
Share: I did the same kind of dreams twice. In real life, my cousin brother ( - I always had a good relationship with my brother and being in a common family, we were 11 cousins and grew up as a family. Most of the time, he helped and advised me when I was young. And we also got along very well. There were some people who didn't like him because they thought he was very cunning and selfish) is married to a beautiful woman who is very systematic. She is punctual, very clean, and is dedicated to raising her children, who are of a good standard and reputation.
Dream: In my dream I see that my brother has married someone else and I am very confused as to how he could have done this. In the other dream my sister-in-law (she is a bit indifferent. Emotionally cold but I got along with her) had a baby and she didn't know it was hers for about 3 months afterwards.
Then again, my brother is getting married to another woman. She has a lot of pimples on her face and he is very good at math. She says she's going to help my son in math. By mistake, my son hits her while playing and she starts to cry. My brother leaves. My aunt complains to my uncle. There is a shield that my son won, which had been hanging on the wall. She asks my uncle to take it down to punish him.
Dream #2: Halloween
Dream: It's Halloween and we are on vacation somewhere. I'm at a party with some friends (I don't know any of them, they don't look familiar). It's dark and we are all wearing tacky costumes.
I remember standing at the bar near the entrance and laughing with my friends. Suddenly, my dad comes to the entrance and asks me to get in the car.
I complained that it was very early, only 10pm and I wanted to party until at least 2am. He said no, got out of the car, took me by the arm and led me to the car. I complained all the way to the car, throwing a tantrum.
À écouter en podcast 🎙️
Chaque podcast explore différents aspects de l’interprétation des rêves, signes et symboles, offrant une compréhension profonde et moderne qui peut transformer votre vie. Anonymat garanti.
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Les conférences en direct “Comprendre vos Rêves” ont été présentées de façon alternée en français et en anglais à chaque semaine.
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En direct toutes les deux semaines.
Comprendre vos Rêves.
Voyage vers une autre planète
Voler dans la maison
Voir mon statut sur le site du gouvernement
Voir les défunts
Visite de mes parents décédés en rêve
Une petite fille me tire les cheveux
Une main sur ma poitrine
Une machine pensante venant du passé
Un magnifique ciel étoilé
Tournoi d'arts martiaux
Dictionnaire Le Code Source, Rêves, Signes, Symboles - Coffret 2 volumes (Édition révisée et augmentée)
Dictionnaire Le Code Source, Rêves, Signes, Symboles
Comment lire les Signes, Psychologie initiatique
Devenir un Ange
Rêves et Symboles Tome 2
Rêves et Symboles Tome 1
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