[A coffee in the Arctic]
A coffee in the Arctic
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Présenté par
Francis L. Kaya, CEO et Fondateur, Professeur
Expert en intelligence émotionnelle et interprétation des rêves, auteur et conférencier internationalement reconnu.
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Dream #1 : A coffee in the Arctic
Share: My state of mind in the dream - interested, curious, questioning, impressed.
Dream: I'm in the Arctic (it reminded me of the first time I was in James Bay, traveling on temporary winter roads, primitive conditions, carrying building materials to build homes that would last for years) and in front of me I see a woman (I don't know this person) operating this big machine, a kind of backhoe.
She is clearing the road of debris for those who will come, the future craftsmen who will build the infrastructure and a new city (this woman represents someone with strong character and determination, she is also adventurous and bold).
She lives in this huge machine, there's a little built-in living space. She tells me she wants the company to install an apple juice machine. She has had several ideas for installing one but not all of them are viable or compatible with the manufacturer's specifications.
It is cold, dark, barren and lifeless here in the Arctic. Time seems to have stopped. Besides what happens inside this small space, nothing happens outside, everything is frozen.
The company (owner of the machine) sends someone to install this apple juice machine. When the man (whom I don't know either) arrives, he quickly comes up with a plan to install the apple juice machine (this man represents someone creative, intelligent, efficient, competent and helpful). The man and the woman ask me to go get coffee; to my surprise I go get coffee on my rollerblades. I go all the way to Florida to get the coffee.
It's nice to feel the warm and humid air, to feel the sun shining on my skin and to see all this vegetation. I have no money but the lady gives me the coffee and I promise to come back and pay her. She tells me it's ok. I rollerblade all the way back to deliver the coffee. I tell the woman and the engineer that I have to come back and pay for the coffee. The engineer tells me he is almost done and the woman is very pleased with the work. I leave.
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