[Trapped Galaxies]
Trapped Galaxies
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Présenté par
Eloi Delmonico, Directeur exécutif, Professeur
Directeur d’école devenu professeur et conférencier, Eloi excelle dans l’analyse des rêves, signes et symboles, et s’implique activement au coeur de nombreux projets UCM.
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Dream #1 : Trapped Galaxies
Sharing:I received this quite uncommon dream...
Dream: A colony had been established in another Pandora (like the planet in the movie Avatar : the way of water).I did the journey with my family, it was not easy. I am the kind but strange last kid of the family (a bit like Kiri in the energy, but as a boy)...
At a hunting lesson where we had to catch a fish with bow and arrow, I miss my arrow. Then I decide to become a vegetarian.
Then (time passes), we arrive on another planet, that is already occupied by unknown inhabitants.
I try to advance discreetly, like an infiltration, I just try to pass by... I'm finally seen and captured by Concilian species* that have evolved differently.
* “Concilian Species” is a group of 4 species that form a council which is like a galactic government in the Universe of “Mass Effect”...
Their energy wires (I was passing beside some, they are like big transparent cables about 30 cm thick) contain galaxies as a source of energy. We (in the history of my kind) had thought of doing it this way for a while, but in the end we didn't because it took too much space and it was cruel.I'm captured and they reprogram my face in 2D. I'm disfigured, as a punishment...
I'm then sent to a prisoner camp. People are mocking each other here. I think that what’s happening here is not right, I'm sad about it and I find it horrible.
Dream #2 : The lion’s party
Dream:I visited John and Diane at home, we went up to the rooftop to have a party. I wore a white chiffon shirt. During the party, I saw 2 huge wooden buffalo models flying in the blue sky. A man said that the models were introduced to educate the community about animal breeding. I took out my phone to film them.
*John impatient, too down-to-earth Diane controlling, need for acknowledgement & love
Suddenly, a lion came out of nowhere. My sister was afraid of it and came behind me. The lion looked dangerous, but did not attack anyone.Votre rendez-vous de rêve.
Chaque conférence, un lundi sur deux, explore différents aspects de l’interprétation des rêves, signes et symboles, offrant une compréhension profonde et moderne qui peut transformer votre vie. Anonymat garanti.
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Nous vous remercions pour votre compréhension.
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Découvrez également
Voyage vers une autre planète
Voler dans la maison
Voir mon statut sur le site du gouvernement
Voir les défunts
Visite de mes parents décédés en rêve
Une petite fille me tire les cheveux
Une main sur ma poitrine
Une machine pensante venant du passé
Un magnifique ciel étoilé
Tournoi d'arts martiaux
Dictionnaire Le Code Source, Rêves, Signes, Symboles - Coffret 2 volumes (Édition révisée et augmentée)
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