[Alone on an island]
Alone on an island
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Présenté par
Alexis Mercier, Directeur de projets, Professeur
Expert en rêves, signes et symboles, Alexis incarne les valeurs de connaissance et de compréhension de soi-même. Il inspire une vie spirituelle incarnée et moderne.
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Dream#1: Alone on an island
I see myself by the seaside on an island on a beach standing in the sand. I am looking towards the water far into the horizon.
Standing there, in my heart I have a feeling that I am alone here, that I may have been stranded or lost on this island and I don’t know how to get back to the mainland.
There are many emotions and thoughts I am feeling, of how nobody seems to be looking for me, the hurt and emotional rejection, etc.
I also reflect on how in a way I may also have made myself feel okay with this inner abandonment and have kept on nourishing myself in a way with this inner silent discrepancy. Thus, I may also have given up making efforts in my inner and outer world. I am questioning and reflecting as I look towards the water.
The moment I felt this thought in my dream I woke up. It was like a literal jolt, like an answer I was seeking.
Rêve #2 : Burritos
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Uncle: orthodox thinking when it comes to women, thinks they should marry and have babies and take care of the family, etc. He’s very successful, modern behaviour and communication skills, emotional towards his family.
There is a get-together on mom's side family, my uncle is sitting at the dining table for dinner to be served and his entire joint family is around.
On the dinning table, there are burrito ingredients: i.e. caramelized onions, salad leaves, boiled kidney beans & corn, sauted bell pepper, cooked rice and tortillas. My uncle is waiting for his dinner to be served.
I saw his daughter-in-law was busy with the kids, so I decide to prepare burritos with the prepared ingredient. When I was folding the tortilla into a roll, it was a 6-foot-long burritos being made on the floor. Someone started helping to fold it in a roll, one part fell off. However the roll was cut into small pieces.
By the time it was served to the uncle, he was already eating a roll with boiled potatoes, green coriander chutney with potatoes. When the roll was served, I told them that it was something that I made.
Another scene, I am at a pani puri sort vendor, he was mixing pure transparent healing liquid with one boiled kidney bean and he took the spoon and fed an unknown lady.
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