[Back to my hometown]
Back to my hometown
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Présenté par
Francis L. Kaya, CEO et Fondateur, Professeur
Expert en intelligence émotionnelle et interprétation des rêves, auteur et conférencier internationalement reconnu.
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Dream #1: Return to my hometown
Dream: I am in the Abitibi-Témiscamingue region (birthplace); since I have not been there for a long time, I am driving around to see all the changes that have taken place.
Walking down Rideau Blvd. Rideau (commercial zone), I notice that the Lussier garage is no longer there. Instead, further back, there is a series of multi-story buildings. I stop and ask someone (who I don't know) who owns these buildings, and they tell me that Michel Lussier owns them.
This attracts my curiosity and I decide to visit them. In the first building, I meet Madison Bow; we sit and talk for a while.
While we are talking, a lady (whom I don't know) on my left puts her hand on my lap. I put my hand on hers to stop the intrusion. She gently massages my thigh. I pretend that I don't mind. I finish my conservation with Madison, say goodbye and leave.
I continue my visit. These buildings are in fact shopping malls, each one different, each one with a different theme. I have a feeling of newness, of expansion. I end my visit with a sense of wonder. (I ask myself, "Is this really possible?")
Dream #2: Inner vision
Share: I prayed for a new beginning, with qualities and virtues: love and wisdom.
Dream: I see that even though my eyes are closed, I can still see, tell myself that I am watching everything from my mind's eye, as Kaya does.
Dream #3: Transformation
Share: I saw a lotus symbol during my meditation. I went back to sleep after the meditation and had this dream...
Dream: I see an old lady who I remember as an actress, sitting in the trunk of a tree with her eyes closed. I can see that she is breathing. I think to myself that maybe this is a part for a movie.
Then I see that there is a coffin. Someone opens it, I see that there is a black shirt and a silver cross (crucifix) inside the coffin. I woke up with a headache on the left side of my head.
Dream #4: Cockroaches in the kitchen
Dream: Several dead cockroaches in the kitchen (due to my husband spraying medicine in the night). No internet in my house. I made a request for repair.
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