[Meet Henry and the boss on the way]
Meet Henry and the boss on the way
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Présenté par
Francis L. Kaya, CEO et Fondateur, Professeur
Expert en intelligence émotionnelle et interprétation des rêves, auteur et conférencier internationalement reconnu.
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Dream #1: Rendezvous with Henry and the boss on the way
Dream: I am in an unknown hotel with my friend Frank, I also work for him in a small health and safety company. There are only two of us. It's like a business trip, but we share a double bed.
I'm standing by the door, I want to read something on the wall and at that moment I become AWARE/Lucid in my dream and I remember reading in a book about lucid dreaming that one of the signs that you are in a dream is that you are not able to read anything.
I try to focus my attention because the text is blurry at first, but after some effort I am able to read, which makes me very happy and confident. At the time I dream, I remember what was written, but after I wake up, I only remember the word Kenneth or Kentucky. I am happy because I can now create in a dream space. So I decide to go on a date with my favorite actor, Henry Cavill.
I try to use my imagination to create a perfect dress but for some reason I can't. A dress appears but I didn't create it myself.
Then I sit on the bed with Frank, a little frustrated that I'm still here instead of getting ready for my date. He tells me he hopes we'll talk. I ask him, "About what?" I see him getting more and more emotional and I don't like it because I feel like my privacy is being violated and not respected. I also don't understand why we share a bed in this room.
I then remember past situations with my ex-boyfriends where I wanted to talk to them, have a real conversation, and how I felt, so remembering that feeling of wanting to communicate and be heard, I decide to listen to what he has to say.
The next thing I remember is that I go into the other room to change my bra, then I see more of my bras on the floor. I think to myself that I can't stand his behavior anymore and I can't work for him if he behaves like this, expecting me to share the bed at the hotel, having emotional conversations, etc. when I am not his lover or mistress. I feel a little disgusted with him, almost paralyzed by his behavior. I thank you.
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