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Fear and anxiety
Présenté par
Francis L. Kaya
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Accès illimité
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Dream # 1: Panic Fear
This dream dates back to my teenage years; I was 17 years old and it was a recurring dream that I had for a year.
I'm in total darkness (it was like the environment in the black and white comics, with intense light shedding very little light on the situation), and I have a horrible sense of urgency for my survival. Visually, though, there's nothing, it's just a sense of fear and terrible anxiety. But here I am with 50 cm thick concrete shoes and I have so much trouble lifting my feet that I sweat with the effort. Every step is a test for me to move forward and escape this terrible feeling that is behind me, but never catches up with me. Here is my analysis: from my teenage years until I was thirty, I had the impression of living my life in a straitjacket, of being chained, totally imprisoned. Every situation that took me out of my comfort zone required superhuman efforts. It wasn't until I was 30 years old that my personality began to blossom.
Dream # 2: Green lantern
In this dream, I remember that I fly fast. I have to go down into a basement and when I pass a place where there is some kind of a magnetic field, I become a superhero like in the movie Green Lantern. I have a big light in my heart. It makes me fly very fast and I have powers like a superhero. The magnetic field is formed by 2 antennas which are facing each other and emit electrified energy. Then I change my dream and it is like being in a Harry Potter movie. Myself and other people I don't know are walking down a country road. We are being chased by a bad guy - the same kind of bad guy as in the movie (a little bad). The bad guy and I are connected and all of a sudden I feel like he's starting to turn me to the side of evil. So I take a flashlight and light it in front of my face so that I stay in the light, so that it is the light of the flashlight that fills me instead of the energy of the bad guy. Then we enter a house that belongs to one of us. We are chased but we but we are not the bad guys. A member of our group arrives. He is a man; he arrives on his red motorcycle. He is very important in our group, he is a bit of a leader, everyone counts on him. counts on him. He maneuvers with his motorcycle and is not afraid of anything. The police arrive and surround him to arrest him, while he continues to have fun and is not afraid. In the dream, the police thought we were the bad guys. When I see the police surrounding this man, I take a stun gun that electrocutes the police from a distance and give them all a big electric shock. And I wake up.
Dream # 3: Confiscated Phone
I am a teacher in a high school. I had a dream that I was teaching a new class and two students were playing music on their cell phones. I realize the music and I'm sure it's a mistake, that they turned it on by accident, and I just look at them and they stop. Then, a little later, they put the music back on and I confiscate their phones until 8 a.m. the next morning. (In real life, the usual procedure is to confiscate cell phones until 4 p.m., until the end of the school day.) Later, a student (actually, a motivated student; she's new to my class; she's repeating a grade) mentioned something about not being able to check information because I had confiscated her phone. Oh? I meant only until 4pm for her, like for everyone else.... (8 o'clock was only for the first culprits who had disobeyed the rule twice) but it's too hard to change now. In the dream, I regret the misunderstanding; I'm sorry.
Dream #4: Big wave and plane crash
Last night I saw in my dream that a big wave of sea was coming to my house and at that moment a plane had crashed. What does this dream mean?
Dream #5: Knowledge and towel
In a dream, I attend a live webinar. The word: Knowledge/unknowledge. Kaya says, "We'll start with knowledge." Scene change: I gather white clothes for a machine wash.... A large towel, a pillowcase and white underwear. Should I put them all together in the same wash load? The towel will cause a lot of wrinkles on the other items... Then I notice that the washing machine has a special wash program for beach towels; probably with one so it's better to wash the towel alone.
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Comprendre vos rêves - 27/01/2025
Comprendre vos rêves - 01/12/2025
Comprendre vos rêves - 17/11/2025
Comprendre vos rêves - 03/11/2025
Comprendre vos rêves - 20/10/2025
Dictionnaire Le Code Source, Rêves, Signes, Symboles - Coffret 2 volumes (Édition révisée et augmentée)
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