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Lost in London
Présenté par
Francis L. Kaya
Paiement sécurisé
Ce que vous obtenez avec ce podcast
Accès illimité
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Dream #1: Lost in London
Dream: I'm in London with my mom, dad and little sister, it's Christmas and every street is alive with festivities and lights. I feel like I am sitting in a car/coach and we are going very fast and I see that there is a red light in front of us and if we don't slow down we will hit the other cars in front of us.
As we approach the other cars, I realize I am not in the right direction, I realize I am not in the car and we are flying, I am surprised, delighted. I look to my left and see a beautiful white elf ( male - I think his name is ripple/rimple). I kiss him on the cheek and tell him I am so grateful he is here and will come whenever I think of him or call him - and he says yes. We laugh and move on. I feel happy.
We stop in front of a tower (like the Tower of London, I think) and the leprechaun disappears, I go into the tower and there are long lines. After a while I decide I don't want to see any scary, horror stuff inside the tower, so I turn around and try to get out of the tower. I look for the entrance to get out of there. Since the lines are so long and slow, I start moving against the winding lines towards where I entered from. I see 2 other girls following me, we seem lost in finding the entrance.
We see a long spiral staircase going down to the basement. Two girls start to descend it, I have a strong feeling that something horrible is going to happen and I tell the girls not to go down, the two girls disagree and continue and then I think that one of the girls dies at the bottom. Meanwhile I find the entrance and exit of the tower, from there I walk down the road. There are 4-5 people walking towards me. I have no money. I don't have a phone on me. I am lost. I don't know where my mother and sister are. My father is in a hotel.
I ask people if I can use their phone. I decide to go to the Indian Embassy in London. I arrive and see that there are long queues in the garden outside. I go to the queue and ask some of the people in the queue, "for general inquiries, do I still have to queue?"
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Comprendre vos Rêves.
Comprendre vos rêves - 27/01/2025
Comprendre vos rêves - 01/12/2025
Comprendre vos rêves - 17/11/2025
Comprendre vos rêves - 03/11/2025
Comprendre vos rêves - 20/10/2025
Dictionnaire Le Code Source, Rêves, Signes, Symboles - Coffret 2 volumes (Édition révisée et augmentée)
Dictionnaire Le Code Source, Rêves, Signes, Symboles
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