[Mystical underwater world]
Mystical underwater world
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Présenté par
Francis L. Kaya, CEO et Fondateur, Professeur
Expert en intelligence émotionnelle et interprétation des rêves, auteur et conférencier internationalement reconnu.
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Dream #1 : Mystical Underwater World
Dream: I am with my unknown father in a spaceship, on another planet, going underwater, to eliminate a giant green creature that looked like a caterpillar. I see a shiny, sparkling printing machine and a man printing magic books in a room.
My dad asked me to take my "vintage" looking white magic book, also printed. While looking at my book, to see if I should do it or not, I walked over, and there were UCM books being printed and I gave my book to print.
Dream #2: Seeing and receiving guidance from God
Share: It was a quick nap in the morning. Today is my birthday and I feel really good about my energy this morning. Before I took the nap, I wasn't asking any specific questions. I think there might be a message for me, especially on my birthday, so I can be aware of what to work on this new age....
Dream: I see GOD reaching out his hands to me. He is standing over me and I am walking up the ladder towards him and I am looking towards him. Two beautiful Angels surround me.
Dream #3: Two sacred but polluted rivers
Dream: I am riding my bike with another friend and we are in a beautiful forest. We stop next to a stream (it is clear and beautiful) and there is a dam nearby. I say it must be a stream from the Ganga (The Ganga is a sacred river but it is extremely polluted). He says "Yamuna" (another collective emotion that has been polluted due to the emphasis on matter (industrialization).
I say it must be the Ganga because Allahabad is close by and this water comes from there. In my mind, I see an image of the Ganga being polluted in Allahabad because many half-cremated (half-incinerated) bodies have been thrown into the Ganga.
I trivialize the pollution and drink the water. The other person asks me if I am stupid to drink this polluted water. We are both walking up the hill to the dam.
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