[Loving like a leopard]
Loving like a leopard
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Présenté par
Francis L. Kaya, CEO et Fondateur, Professeur
Expert en intelligence émotionnelle et interprétation des rêves, auteur et conférencier internationalement reconnu.
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Dream #1 : Loving like a leopard
Sharing:Recently in my workplace a case came up where a woman was obsessed with a man.
He said he was not interested in her, so she started harassing him, asking for his attention all the time. As I applied resonance, I realized that I also have similar tendencies (in a lower percentage). Here is a dream I received...
Dream:At night-time, 2 leopards are walking outside a village. One of the Leopards is spotted and the other was black (or a black panther).
The road is narrow and broken down, and on the sides of the roads drains are filled with dirty blackish water. Both leopards are hungry so they can attack each other.
Dream #2 : Kissing challenge
Dream: I'm in an unfamiliar place with a group of people. There's a kissing challenge, I kiss Marc (a % bad boy, from a poor & broken family, inferiority complex). Later, I kiss a girl. She is into me. In both cases, I feel nothing at all, no desire, no pleasure, I am numb inside. I think about my ex-boyfriend (too self-centered, emissive, attraction-repulsion) and wait for his turn to kiss me. My ex-boyfriend is also among these people, but we're not matched, I can't see him anywhere. I tell myself there's no point in kissing these people because I don't feel anything. Then I see my daughter (too emotional, hyperactive, also with Crohn's disease) and her group of friends. One of her friends, Dan, smiles seductively at me, and also wants to kiss me and go to the movies with me, my daughter and her boyfriend. I tell him not to look at me like that because he's only 17.Later I talk to my friend Carol (fake, superficiality, social masks), she tells me she's thinking of having a threesome with her husband and cousin (extreme instinctual needs, % of infidelity, needs of attention), she says he makes her very horny.
Then she remembers the time his own sister had a crush on him when they lived in another city, I am shocked. This is incest!
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