[The exorcism]
The exorcism
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Présenté par
Francis L. Kaya, CEO et Fondateur, Professeur
Expert en intelligence émotionnelle et interprétation des rêves, auteur et conférencier internationalement reconnu.
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Dream #1: The Exorcism
Dream: I dreamed that I am in the garden of a hotel with some women. Me and my husband will soon move to a new house (unknown). But there is an entity that enters me. Here in this garden, the women also feel the entity and it is a safe place for exorcism. I start to chant and pull the entity out of my navel.
When I let it out in a circle, the clay starts to churn like in a pottery wheel and a round clay pot appears in which a fire is lit and there is smoke. In this way, in a circle, many pots are created with fire and smoke. I now hear myself singing Haamiah louder and louder... And throughout the dream, my singing gets louder and louder. All the women are also singing.
I am suddenly pulled to the ground and propelled toward the hotel. I turn my palms with Haamiah towards the ground and stand up. Then I begin to levitate with my palms with Haamiah upward while telling myself that no, I can't get too airy either; I need to be embodied to transform this... No more escaping!
As I walk towards the hotel, it's like a matrix like in Doctor Strange and I keep chanting Haamiah so that no harm comes to those present. I calm a tsunami, a stair collapse, a building fall and I keep healing them as I keep going with Haamiah, Haamiah, Haamiah...
Share: We are moving my husband and I to a new house in a few months. Also, all the characters, women, people and doctors were unknown in my dreams.
Dream #2: Hand surgery
Share: Same night another Dream…
Dream: I am in an advanced hospital, sitting with surgeons in the doctors' lounge. They show me an interesting phenomenon. They have operated on the hands of several people, from children to adults. They removed items like pens, pencils, rulers, etc., from inside the hands that were causing pain and difficulty, and science had no answer as to how these objects got there. They seemed to be ghostly objects.
Suddenly, I felt an immense pain in my hands where my nerves started to swell and I could see a red pen. My skin felt like it was tearing and I asked for surgery on my hands.
But I heard a voice saying, "It's not time yet. If we operate on you now, you won't be able to work for three months and learn what you're supposed to do; so for now, bear the pain because there's a lot to do and you'll heal soon."
I was suddenly able to handle the pain and was calm.
Dream #3: The entity in the house
Share: Yesterday we went to a family wedding and my dad missed a step on the way down and fell. He injured his neck (which is serious because he has a bamboo spine and only has 3% of movement in his neck), resulting in marrow edema and a non-displaced fracture at C5. He has severe pain and numbness in his right hand.
Dream: I dreamed that I am in the garden of a hotel with some women. Me and my husband will soon move to a new house (unknown). But there is an entity that enters me.
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