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Présenté par
Francis L. Kaya, CEO et Fondateur, Professeur
Expert en intelligence émotionnelle et interprétation des rêves, auteur et conférencier internationalement reconnu.
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Dream #1: Earthworms
Dream: There is a patient with a psychological disorder. He says he feels earthworms under his skin in a certain place. The nursing staff does not take him seriously.
Then the lady doing her laundry comes in and tells us that there were worms in her pocket (jacket pocket, I think). This causes the nursing staff to revise the diagnosis and investigate the problem.
Dream #2: Driving in the mountains
Dream: I am driving in a mountainous area of the world. At this point, I'm not sure where I am, but I'm sure everything is fine and I can keep driving in that direction.
I drive a sports car, it reacts well to the road, it is comfortable, stable, reliable and well designed. The interior is white with red wood trim, the exterior is silver - Mercedes Silver. It's all so new but I feel safe, worry free, comfortable.
I'm just here for a walk and soak up all this beauty. The view is breathtaking - the valleys, the mountains, the vegetation, everything is so alive. All this environment is unknown to me.
I realize that I am in an old neighborhood of civilization. The roads are rural, the trees are old, there is nobody. I keep driving and that's when I realize that this is a dirt road; the road is orange-brown in color. The road is very smooth, no sharp turns, no bumps. It's just a beautiful road! I realize now that I am in China.
Now the scene changes, and on the left side of the road there are miles of parked cars, no one in sight. I think to myself that this is strange. Why so many cars?
I continue, it's a beautiful day, the sun is shining, there's moisture in the air, there's a nice breeze coming into the car. I feel relaxed and centered - I think to myself, "This is so beautiful!"
In the distance, I see an old monastery. Oh, I am so excited to arrive! I am looking forward to this new adventure, it is like a dream come true - I have always wanted to visit China and Tibet - unfortunately, I wake up.
Votre rendez-vous de rêve.
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Nous vous remercions pour votre compréhension.
Les conférences en direct “Comprendre vos Rêves” ont été présentées de façon alternée en français et en anglais à chaque semaine.
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