[Hell, Heaven and sinners]
Hell, Heaven and sinners
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Présenté par
Francis L. Kaya, CEO et Fondateur, Professeur
Expert en intelligence émotionnelle et interprétation des rêves, auteur et conférencier internationalement reconnu.
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Dream#1: Hell, Heaven and sinners
In reality, I was talking about dreams with a friend of mine and she told me about one of her recent dreams. I wanted to share it with you because I felt it had deep meaning. I tried to interpret it, but I couldn't make any sense of it.
She lost her father ten years ago, after which her daughter was born. At the age of 2, my friend learned that her daughter was 95% deaf.
It was very difficult for her to cope with this situation and it took her almost two years to accept it. Today, my friend is facing health problems: migraines, dizziness, high blood pressure, anxiety...
Here is her dream:
Here is her dream: The earth suddenly stopped rotating and then I arrived suddenly to this part of the earth where I did not feel I belonged.
First I entered a kind of big hall where it was quite bright, but there were people lying, others sitting, but they all looked heavily injured, some of them already looked like they were dead.
I didn’t like it there, I felt they were all bad people and that they all wanted to take a part of my soul, as I'm a good soul.
And then suddenly, somebody pulled me out of there and then I was walking in a queue with some people, they were all going down inside some mud house which was not bright enough and looked like a yellowish or brown light.
There, everyone kept going down and down, and I spotted a girl standing at the bottom who looked like a freak or a zombie, and then she said something and she jumped into the puddle.
End of the dream.
Dream#2: Elevator error
In the dream, me and a group of colleagues were late for work, pressing the elevator button, the elevator was broken on the 6thfloor, I was in a worried mood for fear that our boss would see us arriving late for work.
The boss was walking right behind us. I went faster than my colleagues and took the other elevator to the 2nd floor office, and my colleagues were surprised and scolded by the boss.
* My boss is someone I respect and appreciate, we are like relatives, but he is also a cold, disciplined, harsh person, which makes it hard for me to share.
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