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The train in China
Présenté par
Francis L. Kaya
Paiement sécurisé
Ce que vous obtenez avec ce podcast
Accès illimité
Téléchargeable en .mp3
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Dream #1 : The train in China
Dream: I find myself on a busy train station platform crowded with Chinese people rushing to work and to their train. I realize that I am in China and that it is a very busy environment with a huge population. Everyone is focused and disciplined in their appearance and advancement.
As I board the train, I get the feeling that I'm in for a long ride and that I won't be alone, which is comforting. I was a little taken aback when I was asked to give a sample of my blood, but I agreed. The interesting thing is that the needle is inserted into the top of my left hand. It's a little painful, but I decide to endure the pain and take action.
The train is moving at high speed, but looking out, I feel like we are barely moving. My brain and my sensations say two different things. After many hours spent admiring the beautiful landscapes of this country and despite the crowd, everything is so quiet, as if each one respects the other's space.
The scene changes and I am now standing in front of a huge government building. I don't know how I know this, but I do. The question I ask myself is, "Why am I here, in this country?".
Dream #2: I come home
Dream: I have to go somewhere, so I took my white Scooter and parked it at the station. I choose a station that is more convenient for me on the way back because it is closer, but not all trains stop at that station.
Next scene, I am inside the plane and the plane is hovering in the sky waiting for its turn to land. The pilot circles and starts circling around a large power pole using energy recklessly and excessively, and I fear that he will hit it, although I am sure the pilot knows his job.
Next scene, I took my scooter from the same station and went home. I stopped my scooter on a street near my maternal grandmother's house (I used to cross this street in my childhood).
I repositioned a few things I was carrying. Sitting in a crouched position while fixing my stuff, I saw a black dog next to me. I was a little scared, then he took a few steps away from me, then I saw the collar on his neck, then I relaxed thinking that he was a pet dog and wouldn't hurt me.
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Comprendre vos rêves - 01/12/2025
Comprendre vos rêves - 17/11/2025
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