[The evil wolf]
The evil wolf
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Présenté par
Francis L. Kaya, CEO et Fondateur, Professeur
Expert en intelligence émotionnelle et interprétation des rêves, auteur et conférencier internationalement reconnu.
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Dream #1: The Evil Wolf
Dream: In a large dark room. I (which is a % of me today, but like a me from the past when I was younger) sat in a circle about 20 feet in the back corner of the room and knew that this was the place of safety in this room.
Outside the circle was a gray wolf; it was aggressive and ferocious, evil. I was frightened and jumped when I saw it. He couldn't enter the circle but he stood in front and looked at me; I know he's the bad guy in this room.
I sat in the circle and drew something I don't know, like a story and like I was living in this fantastic story of mine.
Scene change: Me and the circle were sucked into the sky, everything below, the room and the story disappeared (I don't remember the details of this paragraph).
Dream #2: My ex-boyfriend and the baby
Dream: In a dream I see my friend Christina. She is walking on the road and I see her through the window of an unknown building. In real life she lives in Switzerland, so I am very happy and surprised to finally see her. Then I see her sitting and eating. I go up to her to hug her but she is very distant and when I ask her why she didn't tell me she was coming to my country, she says, "If you had read an essay, you would know."
Next scene: I'm in an unfamiliar house, on the back of a big furry dog/wolf. There are my children and my ex-boyfriend Karl. I try to clean the room but with an aggressive attitude, throwing things and being ashamed that he can see me like this.
Suddenly, I see a little boy a few months old. This baby talks to me. He says: "Grandma Alex" (who is my 95 year old parental grandmother. Alex is a diminutive of her name, everyone calls her by that name).
I ask the baby if Karl is taking good care of him, because in a dream he is taking care of this baby for some reason, but it is not his baby. It's like he's raising this child, maybe adopted, it's not specified. The baby responds that he loves him very much and that he takes good care of him.
I talk to this baby and whisper in his ear, "I love Karl too." I am very impressed that this baby can talk at this age and I am very touched by this conversation.
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