[The dream design]
The dream design
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Présenté par
Francis L. Kaya, CEO et Fondateur, Professeur
Expert en intelligence émotionnelle et interprétation des rêves, auteur et conférencier internationalement reconnu.
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Dream #1 : The dream design
In the past week, my feelings for my boyfriend Danh are a bit distant. Even when we make love, I can't feel anything. I tried to feel his hugs and caresses, but it was like an unstable wifi reception. I have also missed my period, my body is hormonally disturbed, and I feel sensitive to the people around me.
I wonder a lot about my own feelings and thoughts, there are times when I feel very strongly that he is the right person for me. But there are times when I'm not sure about that. He did nothing to make me feel this way, on the contrary, he is really listening, and caring and takes great care of me. So I asked Up Above Danh is the right one for me, and what I need to recognize with these difficult feelings is inside me. I got this dream.
First scene. I found myself in a « designyour- own-dream » class. The classroom atmosphere is very comfortable. Professor Haritha assigned the assignment but did not assign the due date. At the end of class, we ended the class by ourselves.
Second scene. I found myself standing in a high hall of a building, above my head are big domes, and sunlight shining through the glass. I can clearly see the blue sky and white clouds, but no one was around, just me and myself.
Looking down at the exit, I see a girl wearing a clean yellow converse pair of shoes waiting for something. The dream ended. After waking up, I felt like I was renewed with my inner energy. I can feel Danh's love and care for me. When he hugs and kisses me, I feel my soul at ease and loved.
Dream #2: Toenail's maggots
I am sitting in an unknown High school class for special students. My right foot is itching, wet. The left foot also has a weird feeling.
I look down to see under one of my toenails: there are a lot of alive tinny maggots. I remove my toenail to observe the insects.
One bigger black insect tries to get into the layer of my skin ; under my toenail. Scared, I pick all of them out of my toenails and clean them carefully. I remove the layer's part with a hole in the center part; under my toenail.
The strange friends are discussing the topic of tips to study the lesson for exam success.
Dream #3: Exorcism in the cathedral
I witness a tragic scene where a man is persecuted in his home by evil in the form of a ritualistic ceremony. The murderer will cut the man alive to punish him for his acts.
receives a package via UPS.... the place is like possessed. She arrives at the door a little late and the package is delivered to her house even though she doesn't want it... it's the remains of the man in a wheelchair. The woman knows that the murderer is coming for her... Thousands of people arrive and persecute her, and participate in another ceremony...
I am sitting in the room, my brother too, as well as the scientists who had studied the previous case (1st scene). Some people run away and the murderer asks me to close the door which I do...
The scientists then signal me to come up. They are part of an organization to save the mother of the family, while everything that is supposed to be blamed on her is in progress... I go to the floor where it looks like a cathedral... There are the marks of the sword of the archangel Michael on the floor... I go then to extract it with incantations. Some people slightly laugh at this initiative.
Finally relics reserved for the Pope and coming from Jesus Christ appear as green jade sticks and boxes of texts... Some people believe that they are Chinese and others believe that they are the first texts...
I take the strongest stick with Hebrew inscriptions on it, like a wand. I go back downstairs where the people possessed by this ambient evil become red-eyed demons. I then hold up the stick and say words that invoke light. The people around me gradually become normal again and wonder where they are. Everyone is exorcised.
I rush to find the murderer who runs away down the ancient walled stairs in the yellow tones of the cathedral. It's almost vertical and he turns into a flying demon that wraps itself around my neck to kill me. I continue with the same intention and I manage to free myself from him and not to transform him into a man but as if caught in a metal sculpture with his head on top... I have the feeling that it is not finished so I continue and he is completely replaced by remains of misshapen materials like metal entanglements... The alchemy was different. The mother of the family is saved and I don't know if it's over.
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