[The safe]
The safe
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Présenté par
Francis L. Kaya, CEO et Fondateur, Professeur
Expert en intelligence émotionnelle et interprétation des rêves, auteur et conférencier internationalement reconnu.
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Dream #1: The safe
Share: Watching the online course about the knowledge of good and evil, I thought a lot, and my deep desire for change was strengthened, in the sense of really wanting to succeed in being the same person outside and at home, to transcend my dualities, ego, and emotional addictions, to develop letting go and humility, to deeply understand the knowledge of good and evil.... I chanted a mantra with these intentions and fell asleep...
Dream: I was at an advanced university, in a library, studying ancient knowledge of symbolic language, reading words and going deep into their origin to understand their multi-dimensions... There were also a few other students with me. It seemed like we had been doing this for an eternity, suspended in time and space.
Suddenly everything comes alive for me, I can connect the dots, my neurons were so activated and I experienced everything. I understood that it was far beyond what was in those books that I was studying. I started chanting the sacred songs and suddenly a painting came off the wall behind me.
As I looked, stunned, I discovered a safe. I continued to sing and suddenly knew what to say. The safe opened. I found an ancient book, the source code of life, of the universe, I felt like a child, so grateful, in tears...
But one of the other students wanted it, I said no, I can't give it away like that, you have to work for it, and learn to understand it, to live it, the right way...
He was not very happy but I was neutral, he was now going to work on applying this knowledge, so he could earn this book.
Share: With love and gratitude from all my heart and soul.
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