[The baby elephant]
The baby elephant
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Présenté par
Francis L. Kaya, CEO et Fondateur, Professeur
Expert en intelligence émotionnelle et interprétation des rêves, auteur et conférencier internationalement reconnu.
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Dream #1 : The baby elephant
Dream: I was standing on a balcony. I saw a baby elephant walking on the road.
After some time I saw it entering our house as the door was open. It came up.
My husband (ego, and dominating attitude, he had an extramarital affair) and Joe (he is my husband’s friend and a judge by profession. He is spiritual and intelligent) were lying on a bed.
The baby elephant jumped on the bed. I told my husband to help me to get him out of the house.
Initially, he was reluctant but then he came with me.
We came down to the ground floor.
My father-in-law (lack of wisdom, a haughty attitude, ego and laziness) came out of the room and told us that there was an elephant in the room. We went there and the elephant came out of the room and went outside the house.
I saw that somebody directed him to a neighbor's house. I asked him why he did so.
Dream #2: The Tower of Sacrifices
Info sharing:
I expect a full-time offer from the previous company where I worked as a working student.
I wanted to see if the job they offer me will align with my evolution. A lucid dream
came to me while meditating.
Dream: I walked down a steep and long stairway. At the end of the stairway, there was
a blue wooden door. I opened the door and saw myself in a round room. Everything was dark and I could barely see anything…
I started walking along the wall, making a perfect circle from left to right. The light turned on as I walked.
I saw many windows. Apparently, I was in a tower. The room’s color was sky blue.
Everything was sky blue.
In the middle of the room, there was a circular plate made of stone. In the middle of the circle, there was a blue fire. I was a kind of high priestess. I had long brown hair and wore a long white tunic dress.
Next scene, I was lying in the middle of the blue fire, curled up on my chest. I couldn't move or breathe. I could feel the fire. I thought then that there was no justice or fairness for those like me - witches and priestesses.
I wanted to scream loudly but I was powerless. My chest and throat were about to explode (the area around the heart chakra and throat chakra). I cried a lot in frustration.
Then, I saw my soul leave my body, then fly beyond the tower. I could see the tower from above. It was a white tower on the cliff by the ocean.
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