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Fear of the past
Présenté par
Francis L. Kaya
Paiement sécurisé
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Accès illimité
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Dream #1: Fear of the past
Dream: I saw that my ex-girlfriend came to a certain function or home (not sure where). My wife is also there but she did not recognize my ex-girlfriend and I did not tell my wife about her either. But some time later my wife got to know her. I am very afraid of being caught up in my past karmas.
The next scene, I saw myself in an organized functional business and one of the male members of my team takes us to his apartment on the top floor.
We take the stairs. Many people are there to listen and watch the reception. My male ex-boss is also present. I turn up the speakers. And I don't know why, but Mr. Davis, my father's youngest close friend appeared in my dream and he was sitting next to Mr. Young, and I told Mr. Davis that Mr. Young was an immoral person and he agreed with me. He said that Mr. Young was a bad boy and that he also said a lot of bad things to him.
Then I asked Mr. Young to get out of my house right away. That's all I can remember.
Share: On the same day I received this dream, I learned that my younger brother was in a relationship outside of his marriage. I was very disturbed when I heard this news from his wife. They have a beautiful marriage and children and I wondered how he could do something like that. But as I applied the law of resonance, I realized that these memories of infidelity are within me. By listening to his wife's fear, I could understand the pain my wife would have felt knowing about my relationship.
Dream #2: A close friend of my father
Dream: I dreamed that Mr. Young - my father's closest friend - came to our house. In this scene, I was sitting on the bed (which is a 4-legged wooden board used for sleeping, sitting, sharing and having tea together) - while he was sitting on the floor, leaning against the bed and having his tea. I was adjusting my pants (actually, I don't remember exactly what was wrong with my pants).
In the dream, I also put a cloth as a blanket and held it in my hands. I looked ahead and realized that the cabinet, which was made of glass, could reflect what I was doing, like a mirror. I saw his face in the mirror and I noticed that he had bad intentions and I told him, "Don't look at me, I was just adjusting my pants". But he intentionally turned to me and tried to put his hands between my legs to touch my private parts. I yelled loudly, "Don't do that, don't do that," but he did it intentionally.
After that, I finished adjusting my pants. I told him bad words, that I did not consider him my father's friend, and that I would never respect him again. And I don't know why, but Mr. Davis, my father's youngest close friend, appeared in my dream and he was sitting next to Mr. Young, and I told Mr. Davis that Mr. Young was an immoral person and he agreed with me. He said that Mr. Young was a bad boy and that he had said a lot of mean things to him. I then asked Mr. Young to get out of my house immediately. That's all I remember.
Share: The next morning after my dream, in concrete reality, I woke up and was so surprised when I heard Mr. Young talking with my father. I realized that he was at our house that morning. It was quite a coincidence. I wondered what message the people upstairs wanted to tell me through this dream? Please help me interpret this dream more clearly.
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Comprendre vos rêves - 03/11/2025
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