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The little demon girl
Présenté par
Francis L. Kaya
Paiement sécurisé
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Accès illimité
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Dream # 1: The little demon girl
Share: One of my dreams disturbed me a lot, because it was the first time I saw a devil in my dream. And it shocked me. I need to go further in my healing. I realize that sometimes my healing has been more superficial in the way I change. I am ready to go deeper for real and lasting change. But, I need help understanding these negative forces... I don't know if the evil energy I saw in my dream is related to my daughter, but because we both experienced intensely negative energy within days of each other. I feel there is a message I need to understand. I want to clear my energy and my memories. And be able to better help my daughter with hers.
Dream: I was in a house (which I did not recognize on this earth plane) that was mine. There was a little girl about 7 years old staying with us. She terrified me. She was a dark force. A threatening force. She often played hide and seek. I saw her lying in plain sight, eyes closed, on a bed and completely still, while parts of her face were beautiful; her face was distorted. She had long blonde hair with curls and wore a white sweater dress with a white and blue plaid blouse.
Surprised, I felt like I was jumping out of my skin. I was petrified that it would suddenly rise up and attack me. This is the first time I have felt an evil force in my dream.
Is it an element of intense negative forces that I perceive in myself?
Is it related to the fact that I focus too much on material needs?
Being a materialist?
In the next scene, I was in the lobby of a lavish, regally decorated hotel. A woman in the lobby was talking about the luxury of the hotel. Although the hotel was very luxurious and expensive, all her needs were meticulously taken care of by the staff. All of the hotel's amenities were in top condition. Nothing was broken. The woman was planning to stay another night or two, despite the fact that it was very expensive for her.
In the next scene, a large group of us were trekking through valleys near mountains. The male guide told us that knowing too much information can sometimes be more dangerous than knowing less information. I was getting the message: I have to be careful how much information I know.
In the last scene of this dream. I was in a rectangular room, waiting for a teacher's meeting in the school where I worked last time. (Actually, I don't recognize this room.) Some of the windows were open and it was sunny outside. But many of the blinds were closed, so the room was too dark. One of the teachers would not open the blinds (pluses: she is very structured, organized, wonderful at teaching complex concepts, and makes learning interesting and engaging. Minuses: she can yell, be critical, sly, and has a big superiority complex). A few other teachers enter the room. The blinds are open to let in more light.
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Comprendre vos rêves - 27/01/2025
Comprendre vos rêves - 01/12/2025
Comprendre vos rêves - 17/11/2025
Comprendre vos rêves - 03/11/2025
Comprendre vos rêves - 20/10/2025
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