[Sleep paralysis]
Sleep paralysis
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Présenté par
Francis L. Kaya, CEO et Fondateur, Professeur
Expert en intelligence émotionnelle et interprétation des rêves, auteur et conférencier internationalement reconnu.
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Dream #1: Sleep paralysis
Share: When I connected to this dream, I remembered that when I was young, in the living room of this house, I had asked my mother for money and she had thrown money in my face. I felt very hurt, I was angry and I asked her: Why are you doing this? But she ignored me and didn't pay attention to my feelings, because for her sometimes money is more important than human emotions. Because emotions can't feed or nourish us when we don't have money. After that I tended to hate money, and at the same time I unconsciously use a lot of it when I have it, and all this makes me feel insecure. My mother represents being too materialistic and insecure.
Dream: I'm in the old house with my mom (this is the family house I lived in as a teenager, aged 10-17). We were in the living room on the first floor. There were mice, I sat on the recliner, I was scared. My mother was standing, she threw the little mouse at me. I was afraid I would fall and be paralyzed on the floor, I thought I was paralyzed in body and soul, I could not move.
Scene change: I see that I am a seed and we are a collective of seeds (like the human collective). We are facing genocide and we are trying to find ways to change that. As the old seeds find many ways to survive, we split into different groups to try different methods, including one group that went underground to escape, but we were eaten by other seeds (which are very aggressive) that were also underground.
In the final scene of the dream, we realize that the only solution is to sow the future, new seeds that will sustain life and life will continue. Life and evolution will continue...
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