[The new house]
The new house
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Présenté par
Francis L. Kaya, CEO et Fondateur, Professeur
Expert en intelligence émotionnelle et interprétation des rêves, auteur et conférencier internationalement reconnu.
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Dream#1: The new house
Dream: I dreamt that I am in the garden of a hotel with some women. Me and Paul (my husband) are soon going to move into a new house (unknown). But there is some entity there which enters in me.
Here in this garden the women also sense the entity and it’s a safe place for exorcism. I start chanting and pull the entity out of my navel. As I let it out in a circle the soil starts to churn like in a pottery wheel and a earthen round pot in which a fire lights up and there is some smoke.
In this way in a circle many pots are created with fire and smoke I can now hear myself chanting the Angel mantra, Haamiah, louder…and throughout the dream my chanting gets louder and louder. All the women chant as well.
I am suddenly pulled to the ground and being propelled towards the hotel. I face my palms with Haamiah towards the ground and stand up again. Then I start levitating and I face my palms with Haamiah upwards while talking to myself that no I cannot become too airy either I need to be incarnated to transform this, no more escapism!
As I move towards the hotel it’s like a matrix like in Doctor strange and I continue to chant Haamiah so that no harm comes to the people there. I calm a tsunami, a collapse of stairs, the falling of a building and continue to heal these as I continue moving forward with Haamiah Haamiah Haamiah.
Same night another Dream…
I am at an advanced hospital sitting with surgeons in the doctors room. They show me an interesting phenomenon. They operated on the hands of several people from children to adults. And they removed articles like pens, pencils, rulers etc., from inside the hands that was causing pain and difficulty, and science had no answer for how these things got there. They seemed like ghost items.
Suddenly I felt immense pain in my hands where my nerves started to bulge out and I could see a red pen, my skin felt like it was tearing and I asked them to operate on my hands but I heard a voice telling me it is not time yet. If you are operated now you won’t be able to work for 3 months and learn what you are meant to, so at this moment bear the pain as a lot needs to be done and soon you will heal. I could suddenly bear the pain and was calm.
Share: Also, yesterday we went to attend a family wedding and my father missed a step while descending and fell, he suffered an injury in his neck (which was severe as he suffers from bamboo spine and has only 3% movement in his neck), leading to cord edema and an undisplaced fracture at C5. He is experiencing acute pain and numbness on his right hand.
Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a type of arthritis characterized by long-term inflammation of the joints of the spine typically where the spine joins the pelvis. Occasionally areas affected may include other joints such as the shoulders or hips, eye and bowel problems may occur as well as back pain. Joint mobility in the affected areas generally worsens over time
As the disease progresses, loss of spinal mobility and chest expansion, with a limitation of anterior flexion, lateral flexion, and extension of the lumbar spine are seen. Systemic features are common with weight loss, fever, or fatigue often present.[9] Pain is often severe at rest but may improve with physical activity. Inflammation and pain may recur to varying degrees regardless of rest and movement.
Dream#2: Soldiers’ Long Walk
Dream: My class was studying ancient history. There were two parts of the books. We had not finished reading part I, but I decided to look ahead to part II.
In the book, I read that one of the leaders instructed soldiers to take a long walk in silence. While it was intended to be a walk of introspection and no punishment, many soldiers interpreted it as punishment, became a trigger point for later war and conflict.
Dream#3: Not able to complete the Math Exam
Dream: In the dream, I saw that I have a math exam. It seems I am 45 min to 1 hr late to the examination hall. Then the invigilating teachers took their own time in their process of making me sign, register entries, etc.
As I settle down, I feel I am disoriented and bothered by something owing to which I was not able to focus at all. I got stuck at the first question itself and time passed by. I couldn't complete the question paper.
As I came from the examination hall, my father asked how was the exam? I felt that I should not lie and I told truthfully what happened and that I won't be able to clear it. My father did not react, in fact, I felt in his look a sense of understanding.
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