[Loyalty in the couple]
Loyalty in the couple
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Présenté par
Francis L. Kaya, CEO et Fondateur, Professeur
Expert en intelligence émotionnelle et interprétation des rêves, auteur et conférencier internationalement reconnu.
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Dream #1: Loyalty in the couple
Dream: I am on the second floor. I am with a young girl (unknown). In my dream, I am aware that she was my husband's girlfriend in the past. I talk to her. I tell her that my husband has had girlfriends in the past, but now he is married to me. I am now sitting casually on a table, while she is standing to my right.
My husband comes in, sits down on a table to my left and calls this young woman over. He says, "Come here my pilot." The girl is smiling, shy and stands next to him, between his legs. He places his left palm under her right cheek tenderly, then raises his right hand to hold her face.
Before that, I leave. I take my bag and go down the stairs to the first floor. It looks like a waiting room. There are metal chairs connected to each other, with bars between them, like in banks, airports, etc. There were rows of chairs facing forward. I enter the room from the back and sit in one of the chairs. To my left is a window that is closed.
To my right, there is a man eating food from a multi-tiered box. The empty tiers are left on the window, as he finishes his food. The man asks me to hand him the layers of the lunch box, from the window. I hold out my hand, but then tell him to take them himself. I get up and go back to sit in another chair further back. The seat I see now is cushioned, blue in color. I see an old ink mark on the seat, which looks black. I sit down.
Now I see myself on an island. I see sand everywhere. There are neighboring islands, all close to each other. The water is not too deep, if you want you can walk from one island to another. There is a fun atmosphere in the atmosphere. I see myself on a raised structure with green grass on top. I am sitting with my nephew (my sister's son). He wants to come down, but I am afraid of heights.
I call my sister, who is downstairs. I help my nephew down, while I stay upstairs. Then I see my nephew on a small beach chair. He is kneeling on it, his body against the back of the chair, facing backwards, where his mother (my sister) is standing.
My children (boy and girl) pick up wet sand and start smearing it on my nephew's back, my sister joins my children. My nephew is not happy.
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