"I dream of the gods" - Decoding ancient Indian wisdom.
Very often people say that they have seen a character in their dream that they perceive as a God according to the tradition they follow. And sometimes, some people see the same characters in their dreams even though they did not follow those traditions in this life. Isn't that interesting? I have met people in my travels, visited many places of pilgrimage to understand the deeper stories and rituals about many deities, contemplated them to decipher the emotions behind them and how we humans record our perceptions and experiences about them in our memory. I was amazed to discover how symbolic it was, and just like other symbols in a dream, the God symbol seems to reveal how the dreamer conceived of the notion of divinity, of spirituality within them. Have you had dreams where you see God blessing you or being angry with you? Have you seen a dream where a divine figure showed you a path to follow in your life? Well, it is even fascinating to discover in the Indian scriptures how the ancient Rishis, Kings and commoners always received dreams, heralding a change in their lives! I invite you all to join me for this online lecture, on a subject that is so close to my heart & it will be a joy for me to share my fascinating discoveries, realizations made over the years of working on myself by decoding my own dreams, my concrete life and the Indian spiritual scriptures in a symbolic way. Symbolism is indeed the main essence, the hidden cosmic intelligence that many call God, which is behind every creation we see around us!