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Présenté par
Francis L. Kaya, CEO et Fondateur, Professeur
Expert en intelligence émotionnelle et interprétation des rêves, auteur et conférencier internationalement reconnu.
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Dream #1: Incubus
I went into a clothing store and I stole a bag in cooperation with a thief, the other bag the man stole was light green with a hint of blue. The handbag I stole was black and the inside of the bag was pink.
Leaving the store, my mother and I went out with another person, on the way she discovered that I had stolen the bag and forced me to return it. After returning the bag, I returned home carrying a cat.
At first, the cat was fine with me petting him, but then he started to show that he didn't like it anymore, so I let him go. But then he climbed out and wanted to leave my house through the bathroom door (this is my old bathroom and was demolished a long time ago).
I repeatedly hit the door on the cat with my hand, 5 times. This door is a very thin iron door. When I banged on the door for the 5th time, the cat was angry and jumped. I was afraid he would jump up and scratch me, so I ran and closed the door between the bathroom and the kitchen.
Then there were some developments when suddenly I remembered that I had jumped out of my bed with a shadow, I had sleep paralysis, but when I became aware of this, I struggled more and more firmly. I could clearly feel a dark energy around me surrounding me and binding me. I stopped trying to move, then I chanted the Angel and saw the envelope of energy slowly open and I could move gently. Then I woke up in the real world and was lying next to my boyfriend...
Dream #2: A strange dream
Last week I had a dream, a very strange dream that I felt quite embarrassed to describe it here.
But I would try to analyze it to understand deeper my unconscious.
In the dream, I saw that I have been with a large group of people for a trip and we all play a game. All people in the team are single and I don’t know any one of them in concrete reality.
In the game everyone must be single. And we draw numbers to pick out the partner, the pairs of couples. Everyone must follow the request of the facilitator. We have to act as a couple, no matter whom we pick the draw. Everyone has to accept it.
In the dream I was younger than in real life and I drew a person that I thought was very good to be my friend, my partner, when I finally met him in the game. (I must admit that I was surprised in the dream because in reality I didn't meet someone that I would immediately feel good about, that would make me feel safe, I never had that feeling except in this dream).
We got along very well and made friends very quickly as soon as we met. After that, everyone split up and did as requested.
Then I saw a woman who said that in this group there is a couple who will die on the same day, or if they don't die, they will have the same accident or injuries.
And then I realized out that the couple she mentioned is me and my partner, but both of us do not feel afraid or worried about this news and we continue the game. We carried on and were unafraid of the dangerous thing she said.
We then went to an area that was outside the cave entrance. The facilitator told us all to make love to each other like a real couple.
We both are sitting outside. We found this place too narrow and also too open, so we decided to go further inside and not following the instruction of the facilitator to do it on the spot outside.
End of the dream.
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Nous vous remercions pour votre compréhension.
Les conférences en direct “Comprendre vos Rêves” ont été présentées de façon alternée en français et en anglais à chaque semaine.
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Découvrez également
Voyage vers une autre planète
Voler dans la maison
Voir mon statut sur le site du gouvernement
Voir les défunts
Visite de mes parents décédés en rêve
Une petite fille me tire les cheveux
Une main sur ma poitrine
Une machine pensante venant du passé
Un magnifique ciel étoilé
Tournoi d'arts martiaux
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