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Facing a monster
Présenté par
Francis L. Kaya
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Dream #1: Facing a monster
Share: In real life, on our summer family trip, everyone fell asleep, I continued to drive them to their destination. When everyone woke up in the car, my little girl told me she had a dream while she was sleeping:
Dream: She (the dreamer) saw me (her father, recounting his daughter's dream), and we were driving our new five-seat crossover car to take all of our family members to travel somewhere on a smooth road. There were only tall, beautiful trees and power poles along the road (with no houses on either side).
When we pulled off the road, suddenly a green monster appeared outside our car. It had only one eye in the center. Its hands had four fingers without thumbs and it held a piece of wood in its right hand with evil intent against us. She saw herself jump out of the car to stay on that piece of wood.
Then the monster used his left hand to hit her. When the monster took his hand off the piece of wood, he saw that she was already gone. He turned around to look for her but he didn't see her at all. She then said to the monster "Where are you looking? I'm up here"But the monster still didn't see her and kept looking around for her. So she spoke to him again.I stay on the power pole", and the monster looked up at her.
Share: I am left-handed. I felt a sense of connection when she talked about how the monster used her left hand to beat her. I thought I was that monster to her sometimes in our family. Sometimes I would threaten to beat her when she showed disobedience and intentionality, but I realized that she was never afraid of that and always found a way to deal with a situation like the one she did with the monster in her dream.
Dream #2: Dead bodies
Dream: I'm in a car going somewhere with Paul (- he's my son, he lives with my ex-husband in Dubai) my mom, and my dad. We go to a place, this place is like a temple but not exactly like one. Everyone is given a corpse and the corpse is wrapped in a white bandage cloth as it comes from the hospital. We are supposed to open, cut the cloth and cut the stitches of the corpse.
Other people do it too. One woman is there, she did it easily, there's so much blood. I feel so bad. On my turn, I took a very small part, I guess, because it was wrapped. But I couldn't do it. I asked the other woman to help me. She did, and then these people took the corpse and in one place I saw someone crush the hand, and after that they put the bodies in the water. There is a huge place where the water is filled, all the dead bodies are in this water. I think it's acidic water, that's why they crush the body parts too, so that they dissolve easily, there is blood and bad smell everywhere.
Then I come back inside, they tell me to take some prasad (food), we all sit in front of a small place, with an idol of God. Music is played in the background. I don't feel like doing it but I do it all the same as a formality.
Paul wants to play. We go out. It's a big structure. I get to the gate, tell the doorman to open it, then I see Yoan (- he's the doorman at the place I work, very warm and cheerful, also very hardworking. It's hard for me to have these qualities) and I'm happy to see him there and I say at least you will remember me.
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