[Do you hear what I hear?]
Do you hear what I hear?
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Présenté par
Francis L. Kaya, CEO et Fondateur, Professeur
Expert en intelligence émotionnelle et interprétation des rêves, auteur et conférencier internationalement reconnu.
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Dream#1: Do you hear what I hear?
Dream: I dreamed I was in a house by a large lake. I was under the back raised deck which led to the beach. There was a young boy playing under the deck and there were owls here too. I remember two, but feel there were others there too.
I asked why are all these owls here and someone said it was a sanctuary for wounded owls.
I thought it was a strange place to keep them. It didn’t seem right but they could have flown out any time as it was open.
I was concerned that the boy was playing there unsupervised as an owl has talons and a sharp beak and could potentially harm the boy, especially as he was not very gentle with them.
One white owl looked at me with eyes that said "help me".
I carefully approached the owl and I was surprised it allowed me to handle it. I saw that it had in its ear, round metal objects, and one of them had pierced through the ear.
Dream#2: The abyss
Dream: I dreamed that I was taking the elevator. There was a man with me who had to go down a very deep abyss in search of someone or something.
I went to get a rope and help him drop it down the cliff. Then I lost the rope, many people came to pull him up, but I couldn't.
He fell over the cliff. Everyone thought he was dead. But after a while, he was able to climb up. And he told me there was a very beautiful 5-star resort at the bottom of the cliff.
I agreed to go with him down there and see how it was. There are a lot of good and modern electronics in that resort.
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