[Doorbell at night]
Doorbell at night
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Présenté par
Eloi Delmonico, Directeur exécutif, Professeur
Directeur d’école devenu professeur et conférencier, Eloi excelle dans l’analyse des rêves, signes et symboles, et s’implique activement au coeur de nombreux projets UCM.
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Dream #1 : Doorbell at night
Sharing: I recently saw a podcast which featured an Indian paranormal investigator and found it very interesting when he explained how they conduct their investigation to ascertain if there really is a spirit of a dead person or some other issue. He also explained the way he talks to these spirits to make them comfortable and understand that they don't belong in this dimension anymore. What fascinated me most was when he explained that some of them don't know that they are dead....This is a topic of great interest to me as I have grown up being very, very afraid of ghosts & spirits not being able to sleep at night due to fear. It is only now that I have become comfortable, knowing that this is coming from my own memories due to resonance. Dream : The door bell rings in the middle of the night, but I’m too tired to wake up and open the door. I hear my son wake up and open the door, but he doesn't say anything to me. I was expecting him to inform me who has come at this hour. I know I should go and check but I am unable to get up immediately. I go and check on the door early in the morning and realize that it's the spirit of my aunt and family who had died abruptly and no one, including themselves knew about it. *aunt (lives in a victim mode, has always worked hard, but unhappy with her life, affective dependencies, comparison and jealousy, always being put down by her husband & children although she does everything for them) The spirit is in a mattress in which there is air. The mattress is made of checked fabric (pink & brown). It is flapping to make its presence felt. I start to talk to it like a normal person. It wants too much attention and is not letting me work or do anything. So I become angry and say: I will take out the air from your mattress. But the situation is very complicated as I’m dealing with dead people and I don't see any solution to this issue. They have so many unfulfilled needs & desires because of dying suddenly and abruptly.Votre rendez-vous de rêve.
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