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Needs with many legs and faces
Présenté par
Francis L. Kaya
Paiement sécurisé
Ce que vous obtenez avec ce podcast
Accès illimité
Téléchargeable en .mp3
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Dream #1: Needs with many legs and faces
Dream: I dreamed that there were many spiders outside and that they were picking up things and accumulating them. There were also 3 beautiful black cats that were close together and looking at me.
Dream #2: The cat in the jungle
Dream: I am like in a jungle. There's a cat that follows me and loves me. He keeps wanting to cuddle me, grabbing me with his energy and I think it's getting too much so I try to get rid of him. Then I'm in a group of people and I learn that being in this jungle is dangerous and it's very important to leave right away. To go faster and avoid the danger, I tell myself that I will go from branch to branch, clinging to the tops of the trees like a monkey. I can do it but it's very high.
Dream #3: The armed dentist
Dream: I broke a bone in my arm. Alex was also shot in the arm. I didn't see him right away, so I want to hurry to the hospital to get him fixed. I walk down the street to my dentist's office and pass my dentist who has just gone to try to get his office back because it was stolen. We enter the office and run into a "bad guy" who I tell to run away because the dentist is coming, I don't want any more conflict and I manage to take his gun away. Suddenly, Alex becomes a girl and we have to hide our weapons to pass a guard who is watching the entrance of the hospital.
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Chaque podcast explore différents aspects de l’interprétation des rêves, signes et symboles, offrant une compréhension profonde et moderne qui peut transformer votre vie. Anonymat garanti.
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Les conférences en direct “Comprendre vos Rêves” ont été présentées de façon alternée en français et en anglais à chaque semaine.
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Vous pouvez utiliser notre barre de recherche pour retrouver les différents “Comprendre vos rêves”.
En direct toutes les deux semaines.
Comprendre vos Rêves.
Comprendre vos rêves - 27/01/2025
Comprendre vos rêves - 01/12/2025
Comprendre vos rêves - 17/11/2025
Comprendre vos rêves - 03/11/2025
Comprendre vos rêves - 20/10/2025
Dictionnaire Le Code Source, Rêves, Signes, Symboles - Coffret 2 volumes (Édition révisée et augmentée)
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