[Behind the façade]
Behind the façade
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Présenté par
Francis L. Kaya, CEO et Fondateur, Professeur
Expert en intelligence émotionnelle et interprétation des rêves, auteur et conférencier internationalement reconnu.
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Dream #1: Behind the façade
Share: My mother-in-law was caring and I shared a bond with her but she was very repressive, had a cordial relationship but was subtly controlling. She would get angry if things didn't go her way. She was rigid about rules, even if they were outdated. My stepmother didn't like me taking care of my parents.
Dream: I travel with my family in a train. The compartments are old and shabby, not like the current trains. Passengers are squeezed together on benches. Our seats are in different places. I see that my parents are sitting together with people they seem to know, but my mother-in-law is sitting alone among people she doesn't know. So I go to check on her. But she doesn't talk to me. I walk away and sit by myself.
We then go down somewhere and there are so many people that I can't locate anyone. Food is served. I see that the food is very nutritious, just the way I like it, with lots of fresh fruit, juices, quinoa and nuts. I find my parents and serve them. I am not hungry, so I decide to eat later. I fall asleep.
I suddenly realize that I haven't taken any food for my mother-in-law. I run around looking for her. I see her sitting alone on a wheelchair. I ask her if I can get her something to eat. I tell her that the food is really good. She calmly informs me that the meal is over. I am horrified. She looks at me reproachfully but says nothing.
Then I see that people are going to watch an entertainment show. I run and take my mother-in-law. I push her wheelchair and run with her. I am panting but I try to run faster so I don't miss the show. The show is about to start, I take her by the hand and run with her. Amazingly, she is able to run now!
The place is very crowded. We go to the edge and see that there is a wooden chalet that everyone is looking at. Suddenly, the chalet lights up, like fireworks, and different animals come out and fly away. I remember seeing a cow, a giraffe, etc. These are not real animals but animated characters. It's an illusion.
It is a spectacular and we are both captivated by it. We both hold hands. I suddenly remember that I haven't seen my parents for this show. I feel a little bad but I am thrilled that my mother-in-law is so happy. I wake up.
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