[Immunize against pain - 16.09.2024]
Immunize against pain - 16.09.2024
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Présenté par
Alexis Mercier, Directeur de projets, Professeur
Expert en rêves, signes et symboles, Alexis incarne les valeurs de connaissance et de compréhension de soi-même. Il inspire une vie spirituelle incarnée et moderne.
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Dream #1 : Immunize against pain
Dream : I have an appointment with John, my doctor (tired, exhausted because too many patients, too much responsibility, very well-known and popular) for treatment. I'm having painful therapy on both legs which should help me a lot to become pain-free in the long term.
He comes on a day off work especially for this. Everything is prepared, he explains to me again that it hurts a lot. I say yes, I'm prepared for it.
The treatment involves a device, similar to an ultrasound, being moistened with a cream. John then moves it along my entire leg, in a figure of eight, it hurts a lot, but it's not unbearable. I wonder why I feel so little pain.
Dream #2 : Finding my brother
Sharing : This dream felt very intense and it was difficult for me to wake up and write it. I don't remember the whole dream clearly but the objective & ending was very clear.
Dream : There is a large indoor place with a huge water body in the center, like a swimming pool. The pool is rectangular in shape and not very deep and the place is well lit with natural light coming from a translucent roof.
There are people floating in the water fully submerged looking face up. They look like dead people, but they are not dead, just unconscious maybe. People are coming out of that water revived by their family members. Someone is making a family tree.
I look at all the activities happening around me but I don't get involved. I have a single point agenda of finding my brother.
I quickly run to the third section of the pool of water and start calling his name. The pool doesn't have too many floating people. I shout out his name, saying Kumar, Kumar while running and looking for him frantically. I am feeling scared, wondering what if I don't find him.
Then I see him, fully submerged in water floating with his glasses on. I take him out of the water and he becomes conscious again and starts to move. He removes his glasses, rubs his eyes and opens them. I hug him. I know this is a dangerous place and I am lucky to have found him.
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