[The tenant’s turmoil]
The tenant’s turmoil
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Présenté par
Francis L. Kaya, CEO et Fondateur, Professeur
Expert en intelligence émotionnelle et interprétation des rêves, auteur et conférencier internationalement reconnu.
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Dream #1 : The tenant’s turmoil
Dream: I saw myself in my childhood home, and I see that we have a tenant on the top floor that we built. The tenant is Kate, although she belongs to a very rich background and family, because of some family conflicts she stays here, I see later that I talk to her on her floor.
*Kate: known girl at my school, too materialistic, focus more on outer beauty, show off and complex of superiority.
She tells me about problems with light bulbs and electricity, I humbly ask her that, as per the agreement, whose responsibility is it?
I see my grandmother who starts talking to her aggressively, Kate feels uncomfortable, I tell her that my grandmother is like this, and that we have accepted her as she is.
Later, Mike comes out of a room half-naked, which wasn’t appropriate. I also see an uncle sitting where Michelle and another woman are touching his feet, I thought it might be a Baba (fake spirituality) of some kind. Kate was doing some business that was not going well.
*Mike: problems with support, too materialistic, show off, relentless struggle to maintain the status quo.
*Michelle: she is a labor worker in our factory, lack of confidence, fear of learning new things.
Later, I see myself walking with Dan, on the side of the road there’s an escalator where I see lots of bed sheets. Then I see Kate on the side road talking to someone, I interrupt her and tell her to start something with aluminum and steel.
*Dan: aggressive, too materialistic, my way or no way attitude.
Dream #2 : One wedding and two funerals
Dream: I dreamt I was talking to my father, we were at a relative’s wedding. During the preparations, we learned that my mother had passed away. I was extremely disappointed.
However, because we were preparing for the wedding party, the news was not immediately announced.
After two days in a sad mood, I didn’t know what to do and neither did my father, then I remembered that my mother was fully prepared for her death, and that she had recorded all the information about the preparations in a red notebook, so I felt calmer and started organizing the funeral.
In my dream, I realized that my father had died, and then I woke up.
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