[The pilot’s paradox]
The pilot’s paradox
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Présenté par
Francis L. Kaya, CEO et Fondateur, Professeur
Expert en intelligence émotionnelle et interprétation des rêves, auteur et conférencier internationalement reconnu.
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Dream #1: The pilot’s paradox
Dream: I dreamt I was in a class where I was learning to become a pilot. It is our first day and the introduction is going on, and there is a friend of mine from school days who is very confident and good in her studies, and she’s also my classmate.
She is very happy to be in the class and I am wondering if I have made the right choice by choosing to be in this class, because I have been a student of commerce and not science, so I am wondering how I’m going to solve the equations when I have not studied advance Physics. I am thinking of leaving this class because science is not my expertise.
Meanwhile, a teacher arrives, introduces himself and asks the students if they know him. The students say yes because they had researched their professor before attending the class… and I woke up at the same time as the alarm was ringing.
I felt a lack of confidence being in this class.
Dream #2: Climbing Everest without oxygen
Dream: A person, or I climb Everest to 1500m, it’s part of the way to 3000m.
The straight slope is frozen and icy, and I use a small shovel to dig my way up. The slope becomes almost vertical. I stop and look to my left. Someone has come down and is having fun at my height on a toboggan-like section.
At 3000m, someone tells me that being at this height is good enough. You have to make stops for oxygen. The person also tells me that he was looking for a path over the ridges to continue the ascent, but it’s difficult. I’m surprised to see a litter of young monitor lizards living close to the rock at these altitudes.
Then I get a more global image, a little drawn, as if I were stepping back from the place to see the Himalayan mountains with a very vertical side.
Then a sentence: “He wants to arrive around 8h12”.
Dream #3: Change US President
Dream: Change of US President in my work. I feel disturbed by this impression of forcing things, of wanting to impose an activity with a speaker for the president at all costs. I’m disturbed by my attitude.
Then a woman sleeps with the president and gets dressed. My attitude changes and I feel that my energy has changed radically.
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