[Constipated on vacation]
Constipated on vacation
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Présenté par
Francis L. Kaya, CEO et Fondateur, Professeur
Expert en intelligence émotionnelle et interprétation des rêves, auteur et conférencier internationalement reconnu.
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Dream #1 : Constipated on vacation
Dream: Scene 1: I went on holiday with a few families (including parents and children). The women in this group are sisters (except me).In the afternoon we plan to go to a mangosteen garden couple, the husband was German, and the wife was Vietnamese. I was waiting for them to go and they did not decide until dusk.
A woman in a red dress said that because everyone didn't want to do anything, they delayed the trip until late. I was angry because it was too late to go out.
Scene 2: A vision appeared in my head: there was a young lady, with short, silver and super-straight hair appeared with a golden necklace studded with an ancient pendant, which could store a photograph inside.I pulled out a boy’s letter engraved on it and ran to get it for my mom. It was already broken in two when I found it. I put it in my pocket and stuffed a lot of pencils to hide it. My mom, wearing an ivory dress, came to pick it up, I told her to go inside a room of the public toilet so no one would see me give it to her.
Scene 3: There is a convenience store in front of the toilet. There was no door, but only a cloth curtains so I told the staff not to pull up the curtains while I was in it. I was having constipation so it was quite challenging.Unfortunately, they kept pulling up the curtain, I was so angry that I stopped and went home without being able to release myself from constipation.
On the way, I told Paul (infidelity, lack of commitment, carelessness in work), that I dreamed a lot of dreams that were difficult to go to the toilet but could not be transformed, so it manifests itself in real life.
Scene 4: The boy in the first scene reappeared and led me back to the hotel.I was so grateful and surprised at the same time because he remembered the way so well. On the way back, the elder sister from the first scene turned into a giant black bird that threatened me. Suddenly, I split into 2 parts, one remains in the position and one became an observer. The observer learned that 2 of the sisters were trying to scare me. However, the part of me that was not the observer was still there and she was quite scared. Scene 5: I got on the bus to go home, about 12 hours.Votre rendez-vous de rêve.
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