[Conflict and bliss]
Conflict and bliss
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Présenté par
Francis L. Kaya, CEO et Fondateur, Professeur
Expert en intelligence émotionnelle et interprétation des rêves, auteur et conférencier internationalement reconnu.
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Dream #1: Conflict and Bliss
Share: Intention/thought during sleep: Dear God and Angels, please help me connect more deeply to experience life in depth.
Dream: I am a Japanese warrior and I am in a sword fight (duel) with another swordsman. In the dream, I observe the point where two swords meet; they turn into streams of golden light. At the point of intersection (of the swords/light), as I focused more on this point, I saw a child form of Buddha, sitting blissfully in a meditative posture.
Dream #2: Telephone Alarm
Dream: I dreamed I was asleep, then I heard my phone alarm ringing continuously. I reached over to turn off the 2 phones on the bed, but the phone kept ringing.
Then I realized there was still a phone on the desk. I couldn't open my eyes, closed my eyes and crawled out of bed to the desk to get my phone. I was so tired I couldn't even get up to walk.
When I got to the office, I started to open my eyes, turned off the alarm. I suddenly heard a noise coming from a half closed laptop. I opened the lid of the laptop and saw a video (I couldn't remember the content). I started to remember that I may have had it on all night and not turned it off.
But then I looked at the power cord and saw that it was not plugged in even though the laptop battery had been removed. I couldn't understand why the laptop was still working.
I also used the mouse on the laptop to drag the computer's battery symbol across the screen and saw that the battery was still running halfway, so I plugged in the power cord.
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