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Fighting a snake
Présenté par
Francis L. Kaya
Paiement sécurisé
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Accès illimité
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Dream #1: Fighting a Snake
I saw myself in a dream fighting with a snake. While I was fighting, it bit my hand and I bled. After that, many snakes came on me due to the fight with the first snake. But at that time, a man saved me from those snakes. I would like to know the meaning of this dream?
Dream #2: Double Exorcism
It is about 5 o'clock in the morning. I feel like I'm leaving my body. And yet, I felt like I was dreaming.
I found myself in a small American town. It was a different time and I think it was Easter Sunday. Just looking at the way people were dressed, it seemed like it was 20 or 30 years ago. I was in front of the church where people started to gather for mass. I was invisible to most people, but the priest saw me. He had a long black cloak with a hood over his head, as if he was hiding from me. When I spotted him, I immediately found myself facing him. "Priest, I see you. He asked me, "Why are you here, no one called you?" I replied, "I bring the blessing of Christ." After that, a purple light appeared next to me. It became so bright that it filled the whole church and reduced the priest's cloak to ashes
(Sharing: In the same way, I sometimes see or dream that non-beneficial programs are burning in people or on Earth when I touch them with my violet light infused hands).
The priest looked me in the eye and thanked me. After that, my attention goes to a young man in the second row... very skinny with long black hair. I know I know him...I remember that feeling somehow...and my heart goes out to him. I know I love him beyond all words. He can't see me but I notice that he feels that I am there. I touch his left cheek and tell him, "I will never stop loving you." I won't see him after that, but the reason I was called here is at his house...his family. There is a party at the house. The young man's sister is getting engaged. There is a big lunch with a lot of family... I notice two little girls running around (maybe 3 and 5 years old)... they see me; the priest is also invited to the engagement party. In the evening, everyone goes to bed, but I stay there, as if something is not finished. I am in the girls' room to say good night. As I sit on the edge of the bed. The youngest girl hugs me tightly around the waist and begs me not to leave. I ask them why they are so scared. And it occurred to me. The groom is sexually abusing them and they are afraid of him. The next thing I know, I'm standing in front of the groom. I pick him up by the neck with one hand and throw him to the ground. With my right foot, I step on his neck, and I start speaking a foreign language. It sounds like Latin or Hebrew, I'm not sure. A symbol appears in my right palm. It is the flower of life in a perfect circle (which I have seen before) but the circle is in a triangle. The thought that comes to mind is that this symbol is there to bind the demon to the name of GOD. The symbol is now hot and glows with a golden-orange light. I press it to the groom's forehead, who is shaking violently at this point trying to get out of my grip, grunting and cursing at me. The priest and the bride-to-be are also present. So I ask the priest to "hold his hand down, quickly". At first he is afraid but I remind him that he owes me something and that the authority of the church will protect him. The bride-to-be holds her fiancé's other hand. I repeat a prayer in Latin or Hebrew again and the demonic spirit comes out. The bride looks me straight in the eye and says "Thank you". I am suddenly back in my body and open my eyes.
Dream #3 : The ceramic dish
I dreamed that I had ceramic plates that I was going to wash. Then I saw a crazy man with a stick, so I decided to leave the plates there and run away. I went to hide somewhere. Later, I saw that the sea had overflowed and washed away the belongings of many people. Some women managed to get my ceramic plates and kept them on the ground. I picked them up and washed them.
Dream #4: A salty prayer
In a dream I saw my ex-husband come into my room. He told me that there was something he wanted to give me and that I should follow him home to get it and I went to get it. In another dream I saw myself in his house and I saw salt in a rubber bag and I asked what the salt was for. He told me that he was praying with a pastor for me to come back and that they were using the salt while they were praying. For me to come back.
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Comprendre vos rêves - 27/01/2025
Comprendre vos rêves - 01/12/2025
Comprendre vos rêves - 17/11/2025
Comprendre vos rêves - 03/11/2025
Comprendre vos rêves - 20/10/2025
Dictionnaire Le Code Source, Rêves, Signes, Symboles - Coffret 2 volumes (Édition révisée et augmentée)
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