[Collage of messages]
Collage of messages
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Présenté par
Francis L. Kaya, CEO et Fondateur, Professeur
Expert en intelligence émotionnelle et interprétation des rêves, auteur et conférencier internationalement reconnu.
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Dream : collage of messages
Recently, I had an amazing dream that was composed of five different sub- dreams. They were so vivid; their colors, textures, and smells felt like they were out of this dimension. I have not recollected any dream to this date after this account. It was like a collage of 5 different dreams. I will explain in the order I remember them.
Sub-dream #1
I have a tour guide with me, he is taking me to see some high hills higher perspective. There is a staircase for the remainder of the hill. I'm afraid of heights (in real life), so I tell him I won't go up the steps. He says he will, however, the steps finish halfway. I start to walk towards his solid and sturdy pickup truck while he is coming down. I see a mountain lion or tiger far up the hill, I feel I will make it to his hard armored pickup truck before the mountain lion is there. So I don't panic, however, I miscalculate, and the animal goes down fast, looking intently at me. He comes close to me...
Sub-dream #2
I'm in a city in South America (relaxing summer beaches, great memories with my mom and dad growing up). It's dawn, and I start going for a walk that early in the morning. I do that a few mornings in the dream.
Then one day, there is no one, but a small, old pickup truck appears with a feeble-looking African-looking of Latin-looking man. He asks me if I need help or a ride. I say no. He tries to rape me.
Sub-dream #3
I'm on a bus in the city of my hometown in South America. Each time the door opens to let passengers down, these HUGE leaves of the plants in the various bus stops, try to enter the bus. The leaves are very green, vibrant, alive, and with a special energy. I'm mesmerized.
Sub-dream #4
I'm with my husband at a party on a rooftop. We are having a great time. Then John's mom is there. He hugs her. I'm ok with that. Then she looks at me, smiles, and come and hugs me. I embrace her with love. We talk as if nothing ever happened.
Sub-dream #5
I get into the elementary school bus. I don't recognize the driver. I ask for Don (my bus driver in elementary school). He says Don no longer works there, but he had heard about my mom and me before.
*I felt in awe of the vividness of the dream.
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