[Change jobs for better pay?]
Change jobs for better pay?
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Présenté par
Francis L. Kaya, CEO et Fondateur, Professeur
Expert en intelligence émotionnelle et interprétation des rêves, auteur et conférencier internationalement reconnu.
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Dream #1: Change jobs for a better salary?
Dream: I met a friend named Paul, who was also one of my colleagues in my former company (in the technology field). I met him in a city in India where he currently resides.
Share: Paul was a good friend from college. When we became colleagues, I noticed that I was competitive and tried to be better than him. In the process, I failed, and I was asked to leave the company because he showed a very good level in his work and the superiors recognized it. There was one department head in particular, Samuel, who had a very good opinion of him and a very bad opinion of me, although I was doing my best. After I left the company, both Samuel and Paul had difficulties because they were not getting the recognition they wanted and left the technology company to join a new company.
In my dream, Paul asked me to join his current company (an automotive company) for a very high salary. The salary was almost three times what I am currently making. Paul and I were on a busy road in a city in India, waiting to cross it.
I was wondering if I should join the company when I saw Samuel across the road. His hair had turned completely white. When I saw him, I was disgusted to see him and in my mind I thought that I could never work in Samuel's team.
I then met with my current department head, Mike, and told him that this new company had offered me the opportunity to join. He listened to the details and told me that it sounded like a good option and encouraged me to consider it. We also discussed that if I left, one of my juniors could take my place.
I felt disoriented because the pay was very high at the new place of employment, but I was afraid I would be asked to prove myself at a very high level. I wasn't sure I could do it and I wasn't ready to give up my current place of employment, which is very comfortable on many levels.
Dream #2: The resonance
Dream: I work for a company that delivers mail in rural Canada. Everyone in the company is very busy, running here and there to do this. I'm a little bit of a whirlwind inside the company - the way things normally work.
The company has launched a tender for the purchase of new aircraft. The company wants to modernize its fleet.
When the new planes arrive, the employees are very happy and the planes are put into service. I'm the only one who notices that the planes are not built to specifications - the cargo area is smaller than expected.
We can't put as much mail and parcels as in the previous planes. No one seems to care. I inform my supervisor of the problem that needs to be corrected. I hope something is done about this error, but it worries me. Everyone wants to move on, as if nothing happened.
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