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Pick up from school
Présenté par
Francis L. Kaya
Paiement sécurisé
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Accès illimité
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Dream #1: Pick up from school
I see myself picking up my daughter from school in the afternoon, at tea time (as I usually do in the real world). Except that the school is mine, not hers; it is the elementary school I attended in France from the age of 5 to 10. In the dream, my daughter is in primary school as she is in reality. (Her first assignment: talk about sadness and despair. When the principal's teacher, Arianne (in reality, she was my daughter's kindergarten teacher), calls me to talk about my daughter's homework. She tells me that my daughter hasn't done one of the homework assignments; I tell her that it's true, that it's too hard for her to do that kind of homework. I can do it for her. It was about responding or talking about sadness and despair (which resonates with me). Then she shows me an exercise to do. It is a page with several small drawings in compartments. In each compartment we see a person eating a different fruit, we have to recognize it. The first drawing shows a person drinking a juice box. Under the person, there is the image of a brick and to the left of it, there is the image of the fruit; it is a pomegranate. In the second image, there is a person eating pomegranate seeds... In another dream on the same subject: I see that I have done my homework on sadness. I talk to a young woman about it: she is sitting at the terrace of a café having a coffee or some kind of hot drink, and an unknown young man comes and sits and clowns around to make her smile. Since then, she comes back every day at the same time to this café, hoping that the young man will come back to make her smile and forget her sorrows for a while. She finally smiles and feels no pain at that moment, her heart is light when she was suffering so much and was so sad.
Dream #2: Assault in the supermarket
I am in a supermarket. Suddenly, I hear a noise and I rush to see. I find my son Peter (who is 11 years old in the real world) and another young boy lying on a bench, and they are clearly unconscious. I can see that they have been beaten and left unconscious. I understand that they have been assaulted. Later, I tell the mother of the other boy what I have heard and seen and she tells me that she is going to file a complaint, even though it bothers her because she knows the family of the young boys who committed these acts.
Another scene: I am in a woman's house where there is a party and it is in a difficult suburb, like a ghetto. Outside, there is fighting, shooting going on... So she has to lock the door of her house. Suddenly, there are gunshots through the window. My two sons are hit and they die before my eyes.
Sharing: I woke up feeling pretty bad after having this dream, while my son Peter had terrible coughing fits that kept us up most of the night. And at the same time, I had a very heavy, bleeding type of period myself. And it was during this difficult night that I had this nightmare which, I must say, disturbed me deeply... its violence/darkness almost discouraged me.
Dream #3: Road under construction
I am driving on a clear country road. I arrive in an inhabited area, which is under construction. I could have driven around it but I prefer to go that way, it's more direct and I have time, and I'm interested to see the works. I'm on my bike on this road under construction (cars can't go there), but I get stuck in the sandy ground. A lady on foot kindly tells me to move to the left lane, as the ground is harder there. I tell myself that it's okay if I lose some time, I'm not in a hurry and it's interesting to see the construction site. I also find myself on foot, I carry my bike (we can remove the saddle and fold the bike, it has become small and light). I walk with other people along this large dirt road, widened, which is under construction. I pass a white model of the project: there are bridges, a wide road, beautiful constructions. I see people working on the site. I am still moving forward when 2 men join me: they have a regional accent and are friendly to me. They are tall and strong... very well built. I finally recognize them: they are cab drivers who have already brought me with my bike and my luggage to my vacation place. They notice that I don't have my bike anymore; I left it somewhere behind. I am annoyed, I am almost there. They reassure me that I will get it back, that the people at the construction site know everyone and that they will keep my bike for me until I come back to get it. I arrive at the end of the construction site, which ends in a shopping center. To get out, I have to either go right and cross a lingerie store, or left and cross a café; I choose the left. A man is cleaning with an electric machine, which sprays water on the floor and cleans it automatically. The café is still closed to customers. I realize that I am barefoot, and that the floor is all wet. I should have put my shoes on before coming here. I put on my socks but my feet make them all wet. It is unpleasant.
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Les conférences en direct “Comprendre vos Rêves” ont été présentées de façon alternée en français et en anglais à chaque semaine.
Merci de noter que les conférences en anglais et en français peuvent présenter des rêves différents.
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En direct toutes les deux semaines.
Comprendre vos Rêves.
Voyage vers une autre planète
Voler dans la maison
Voir mon statut sur le site du gouvernement
Voir les défunts
Visite de mes parents décédés en rêve
Une petite fille me tire les cheveux
Une main sur ma poitrine
Une machine pensante venant du passé
Un magnifique ciel étoilé
Tournoi d'arts martiaux
Dictionnaire Le Code Source, Rêves, Signes, Symboles - Coffret 2 volumes (Édition révisée et augmentée)
Dictionnaire Le Code Source, Rêves, Signes, Symboles
Comment lire les Signes, Psychologie initiatique
Devenir un Ange
Rêves et Symboles Tome 2
Rêves et Symboles Tome 1
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